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We are a team of experts who can understand your business
to suggest optimised processes and implement high-performance solutions
for automated workflows of the future
What we do
We specialize in delivery of scalable tailored solutions. Thanks to our experience we provide an ecosystem of complementary services.
  • Business process modeling icon

    Business process modeling

    To create solutions efficiently, we have to understand your business. With our experience and using a modern analytical approach we will help with ideating key processes and propose solutions to them.
  • Web apps icon

    Web apps

    Bespoke solutions to fit your business. We specialize in custom built web applications and deliver high performance and UX optimised solutions for your business.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) icon

    Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

    Each client is different. Focus on building relationships. Automation will do the rest.
  • E-commerce solutions icon

    E-commerce solutions

    We’ll help you take your current e-commerce solution to a more mature level. Save time on managing product catalogue, reduce the manual work when invoicing and automate your logistics. Retain your customers with marketing automation and loyalty programs.
  • System integrations icon

    System integrations

    With the growth of your business you notice that the same data circulates between your ERP, accounting, suppliers and other systems used in your daily operations. This circulation very often requires manual maintaining and degrades data quality. Automize all that work and create one solid ecosystem which will become your decision hub.
  • Workshops icon

    Business IT Analysis

    Engage with us through a series of workshops that will help you map and plan your future digital product. Focus on the critical business goals and know all the risks before the implementation phase - deliver a great starting point for your UX and Development team.
How we work
We believe that working software is a side effect of great communication and understanding of business needs. Focusing on the analysis lets us discover and reduce the risks in your project to put it on the right path to success.
On time. On budget.

Agile process

Build software with us through a transparent and low-risk process that you can easily control and keep an eye on. We implement Agile Scrum as part of best software craftsmanship practices on all project phases.
Agile process

Risk reduction

Frequent releases of functioning software allows us to get feedback. Thanks to it we validate if the project is on track with your vision and requirements of key stakeholders. By this approach we mitigate risks of misaligned expectations and inefficient use of budget


We want our clients to understand the process of how their digital products are crafted. Hence we engage them in the process by direct communication with the project team and offer predictability through metrics and reporting to keep key stakeholders informed.


Have a power to pivot or change priorities for your project as a reaction to user needs and market requirements. We take change in every software project as a natural part of the process and embrace it through Agile best practices.

Event Storming discovery

This lightweight discovery workshop makes it possible to effectively communicate between IT engineers and key stakeholders on premise or on-line. Cooperatively build a model that highlights complexity and threats of your project through a use of simple notation.

Event storming

Versatile outcome

Create a model that will make sure your managers will have their vision described. UX/UI designers will see all information needed to reflect that vision and the development team will discover all the business logic that needs to be implemented. All of that while working on the same model.


Get ahead of problems and solve the unknowns before diving into the development process. Reduce the amount of wrong decisions which get implemented and cost your project valuable time and budget.


Rather than using complex modeling techniques like UML, Event Storming breaks the process down into simple notation that everyone can understand. Thanks to this non-technical stakeholders can participate in valuable discussions on the same level with software engineers.
What we write

What is Event Storming?

By Maciej Kozłowski

So, your business has grown and you need a good way to get a fresh perspective, assess its health or identify the most effective areas for improvement? Do you want to get an in-depth look at a new startup business model? Are you contemplating some new services and want to maximise good results for every […]

Read more
Who we are
Young, fast-growing software house built on a solid foundation of experience. We have a great team of twelve on the board and we don’t stop expanding.
Krystian Biela
Krystian Biela
Patryk Karczmarczyk
Patryk Karczmarczyk
Get in touch
Derave Software Sp. z o.o.
ul. Tomasza Zana 41
20-601 Lublin
Company capital: 20000 PLN
NIP 712 340 66 31
REGON 386935651
KRS 0000957429
04 1140 2004 0000 3402 8040 2748
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